Our Work

What we do is not as important as HOW we do it.

We deliver implementable strategies for addressing the problems or opportunities you face.

More than that, we achieve results as economically, elegantly and efficiently as possible. Resources are inherently scarce so being able to do more than what seems possible with only what's available is why we're valuable. Creativity, ingenuity, and connected-thinking are the means to more effective solutions and less expenditure. Our unique insight and thought process, developed from decades of work in other fields, helps us do more with less.

Our ideas work. Because the only good ideas are the ones that get done.


sees the parts & the whole

"Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen
& thinking what nobody else has thought." - Jonathan Swift

Who Can We Help

Our clients are business or organizations facing obstacles for which they aren't able to envision a solution or approach, or, have too many potential solutions to know which is the best course of action. On the flip side, we've also helped clients take full advantage of new, or reinvigorate stagnant, opportunities.

Clients like our work because we think differently. We see possibilities that others miss. We bring creativity, vision, and insight - qualities that are requisite for business to be productive, agile, and innovative.

How To Get Started

We work in the cracks, the sticky corners where more "categorical consultancies" can't squeeze in. So, we have developed some points of entry that serve as a good launch pad for our strengths. We help our clients solve their problems by addressing causes, not just symptoms. This inevitably solves several problems at the same time and creates new opportunities for growth and success.

Our method has a positive affect not only on the bottom-line, but also on the organizational culture and narrative.

Points of Entry

Let's talk about how OCTANT8 can be the help you've needed.